“I didn’t grow up having role models, I grew up having people I didn’t want to be like and seeing situations I’d never want to be in. Not all of us are dealt the right cards but that doesn't mean you can’t reshuffle your deck for a better outcome.”   Unknown

There are portions of that quote that resonate with me. Can you relate too? If so, let’s work together. I want to help those interested in moving toward a better outcome for themselves no matter what brings you to this website today.


When speaking with people, I’m often surprised and bothered by stories of negative experiences when it comes to finding a therapist. I’ve heard things like, “I finally narrowed it down to a few therapists after looking at tons of profiles on Yelp, Psychology Today and no one is calling me back.” Or clients being put on a long waiting list. I even once heard of a therapist falling asleep during a session! Can you relate?

I don’t want you to leave with stories like these. I offer both online and in person sessions and make it easy to schedule. I also return calls in a reasonable time frame, and you certainly won’t catch me falling asleep! Your time is important, and I know just how difficult it is to finally make that decision to see a therapist. That’s why I offer free consultation so that we can determine if I’m the right person for you.

As much as I’d love to wave a magic wand, change doesn’t come overnight. Therapy takes time, so if you understand this you’ll make great progress with me. If you’re willing to test out new ways of thinking and doing, and if you’re ready to give feedback, you’ll do well with me.

I can assure you that I am professional, but I certainly won’t get offended if the best way to describe how you’re feeling is with profanity – after all, these words often perfectly sum up the emotion or situation!

If you speak in analogies or stories with a dash of humor, and occasional sports talk then we will get along great!

I do listen, but I also give feedback, and I do it all online, so no need to worry about scheduling or who you’ll bump into in my waiting room. If this is not a concern and you prefer in-person sessions, then I invite you to see me in person. I offer free consultations to ensure I’m the right match for you.

Get started today.